Temperamental Anxiety

Welcome and Thank You!

I'm so glad you took the Dog Anxiety Pitfall quiz,(Or dog anxiety type quiz?) and congratulations on taking this big step towards understanding and overcoming your dog's anxiety. You're on your way to creating a more harmonious life for them, and I'm so excited to join you on this journey!

Hi, I'm Sarah Lea. I'm a Professional Animal Communicator, the Founder of Heel - a pet wellness brand dedicated to tackling pet anxiety at its core, and the creator of this quiz.

I've spent over 15 years working with animals struggling with severe anxiety, and I've made it my mission to find solutions that truly get to the root of their anxiety and rewire it. 

I believe in going beyond simply numbing the symptoms with medication and truly addressing the behaviors that cause your pet's distress.

Below, you'll find a detailed description of your dog's unique anxiety type, along with solutions tailored specifically for them.

From one committed pet parent to another, thank you for putting your dog's mental and emotional well-being first. It's an honor to be part of your journey with them.

Now, let's dive into your results!


Pet anxiety type Map? Or quiz?

Based on the information you've shared and the little I know about you, your dog’s anxiety type is



What that means…


Temperamental anxiety in dogs is primarily rooted in their unique breed and personality. It’s in their genes, but it's also shaped by their past experiences.  


Your furry friend might be one of these: Huskies, Alsatians, German Shepherds, herding dogs, sheepdogs, Beagles, Dobermans, Greyhounds, Havanese, Shorthair Pointers, Belgian Malinois and more. The list goes on! These breeds Often display anxiety because if the “needs” of their DNA

To understand temperamental anxiety better, we need to see that many of these dogs are from "working dog" breeds or Breeds that have the deep desire or Genetic code that calls for them to work in a team, alongside a leader or toward a goal. Specific breeds inform behavior and its important to take into consideration


This anxiety often stems from a natural need for high energy and activity, but without the right outlets, it builds up into stress, purely because it is pent up anxiety. Imagine dogs that used to be high-energy workaholics are now stuck in a world where they don't know what to do with themselves. If we look at Huskies for example, it is in their DNA to run miles in a pack, alongside a leader, in cold climates, their DNA or genetic code generates a signific amount of energy, and when they are in apartments for long periods of time, with no opportunity to run freely - this energy has no where to go, so its its no wonder this pent up energy that has not been released, begins to reflect as anxiety


Toy breeds like Havanese, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and Shih Tzus are little bundles of joy but can be ticking time bombs when it comes to anxiety. Their tiny bodies and big hearts make them extra sensitive to their surroundings.  


Their small size makes them vulnerable to loud noises, sudden movements, and rough handling, which can easily cause fear. Because toy breeds are often kept as companions, they are very attached to their owners and can be prone to separation anxiety when left alone. 

How It Shows Up


  • Restless movement, often back and forth
  • Seem stressed in small spaces or homes
  • Involuntary shivering, even when not cold 
  • Excessive howling
  • Chewing at fur or skin without any other underlying skin condition
  • Destructive behavior, such as chewing furniture or scratching walls
  • Desperate to run and expend energy when on a walk
  • Breathing heavily even when at rest 



How It Feels for Your Dog

  • Physical and mental fatigue from being on high alert 
  • A sudden and intense rush of anxiety and panic 
  • Unable to sit still or remain calm 
  • Not understanding why they feel this way
  • Physical pain from muscle tension or self-inflicted injuries 
  • Easily startled by sudden sounds or movements
  • Lacking confidence in their surroundings
  • Being unable to communicate their needs
  • A deep desire to work out pent up energy but the inability to do so, for some breeds, this can feel like they are trapped.


2 Top Mistakes People Make with Dogs Diagnosed with Temperamental Anxiety


Misidentifying What Triggers Your Dog’s Anxiety

The biggest mistake pet parents make when dealing with their dog's anxiety is not understanding their dog’s specific needs based on their breed, temperament, and personality. 


Each dog is unique, and identifying the right triggers is crucial to effectively managing their anxiety.

If you treat your dog with the wrong kind of anxiety or misunderstand what causes their stress, you can confuse your dog and make things worse instead of better. 

By not addressing your dog’s anxiety correctly, you prevent them from being as happy and expressive as they could be. This means not only is your dog missing out on a better life, but your experience as a pet owner is also less enjoyable. 



Not Providing a Quiet Safe Space

Dogs with temperamental anxiety need a safe, quiet space where they can go to feel safe and calm down when things get too overwhelming. 


When owners fail to provide such a space, the dog has no way to escape from stressful situations and might react by chewing, scratching, or acting aggressively. This makes their environment feel even more stressful and chaotic, which only adds to their anxiety.

Giving them a peaceful spot of their own can really help them manage their feelings better.

Supporting Your Dog Through Temperamental Anxiety Without Medication


To help your dog, you need to understand what makes them tick. 


Working breeds need activities that challenge their minds and bodies, mimicking the work they were bred to do. 


Toy breeds need a stable environment and gentle stimulation.

The better you read their needs and channel their energy, the happier and less anxious your dog will be. 


Here are some practical and achievable steps you can take to avoid these outcomes and create a thriving home environment for your furry friend. 



The best way to help your dog burn off excess energy is through physical activity.
Regular exercise helps to reduce anxiety, promote better behavior, and maintain your dog's overall health. Choose the activities that fit your dog's age, breed, and energy level to keep them happy and healthy!

Sensory Exercises

One of my favorite methods is using sensory activities, like sniffing games, interactive toys, and hide and seek. Remember, 15 minutes of sensory stimulation is like an hour of physical exercise. It's a great way to engage their senses and relieve anxious energy.


CBD for Anxiety Relief


If you prefer a non-medical solution and care deeply about your furry friend, CBD is one of the best and most powerful ways to reduce your dog's anxiety and panic, especially in dogs with PTSD. 


The calming effects of high-quality, pet-formulated CBD can help manage symptoms of stress and panic, making it a natural and effective solution.

That is why I created “HEEL”, an organic CBD brand designed specifically for dogs.

Our product, Peace of Mind | Emotional Support for Pets, provides the support your furry friend needs to stay calm and relaxed.

Use the code QUIZ15 to get a 15% discount at checkout.

Important Safety Note: Please consult with your veterinarian to ensure that it is safe to use “HEEL” alongside other medical treatments. It’s crucial to align any new supplements with your dog’s current health plan.

Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian, and this information is not intended as medical advice. Always seek guidance from a licensed professional for your pet’s healthcare needs.

Pro Tip: Be Patient and Consistent

This process takes time, but you can rewire how your dog responds to stress, gradually reducing their anxiety and improving their overall behavior.

Stick to these steps for at least three months, and stay consistent with your routine. It’s not a quick fix, but with time, your dog will feel more relaxed.



I truly appreciate you taking the time to prioritize your pet's mental and physical health and recognizing that our furry friends can feel stress and anxiety, just like we do. 

Having worked with hundreds of clients and their pets, I can tell you there's always light at the end of the tunnel. There's always a path to success if you take the time to understand your pet in their unique ways and address their specific triggers.

Keep going! You're on the right track.

And it's the number one cause of their Pitfall, Based off of the information you've

shared and the little I know about you...

What that means...


Temperamental Anxiety means that your pets anxiety is generated

by their temperament or breed. Their anxiety is a build up of excess

energy based off their genetics or based off of their personality

generated by the past (this is specific to dogs that in the past

expended a lot of energy or stress)

This is temperament specific and is usually caused by personality

but specifically by breed, coupled with their previous experience

and how they have been raised... These dogs are best understood

when we recognize that they are a “working dog breed” Including

but not limited to huskies, alsatians, german shepherds, herding

dogs, sheep dogs, beagles, dobermans or other dogs that are prone

to anxiety; Havanese, toy breeds, shorthair pointer, greyhounds and

so on.

They benefit most from solutions that cater specifically to who they

are as an individual, with a better understanding of how energy and

anxiety builds up in them and how best to expend it, based off of

their uniqueness

This anxiety type is often seen in: ??

Signs of this anxiety Type


  • They are a working dog breed. Including but not limited to Huskies,
  • Alsatians, Short hair pointers, beagles, German Shepherds, terriers
  • Destructing furniture
  • Seem stressed in small spaces or homes
  • Excessive howling
  • Scratch, cry, break items when left too long
  • Desperate to run and expend energy when on a walk
  • Constant self soothing
  • Chewing at fur or skin without any other underlying skin condition
  • Constant pacing

Mistakes people make

One of the biggest mistakes Pet Parents run into when approaching

their pets anxiety type is as follows:

When Pet Parents discover their pets unique code, based on personality,

Temperament and breed, we can get a deeper understanding of how to

effectively combat the key source of anxiety that exists within them,

uniquely. Temperamental anxiety is not the same in every dog, it can

vary greatly, depending on multiple key factors

Let me explain…

You see, there are multiple breed, personality and temperament triggers

and when parents target the wrong one, they can often confuse the

animal or solidify the pre-existing condition and make matters worse…

If we don’t understand the dogs genetic and temperamental makeup,

we may use the wrong antidote for success, thus triggering more pent

up energy, leaving them misunderstood and opening ourselves up to

situations that could increase stress in the dog or endanger others. If left

unchecked, we take away from their ability to have a full experience in

their full expression and in turn, you lack a more peaceful experience

with your fur child…


This type of anxiety requires daily maintenance and a solid daily

routine with the intention of managing and maintaining the

natural temperament that exists in the breed. This should always be

coupled with activity to stimulate and release excess energy that is

breed specific.

Remember; in this type of anxiety, the anxiety is often just pent up

energy or a suppression of their physical desires (ie. a huskies

physical desire to run rampant alongside a pack in cold weather)

Here’s what you can do almost immediately to start delivering a

more harmonious experience for your pet and ultimately, for

yourself too!

EXERCISE! The best way to remove pent up energy is through

physical release!

One of my favorite ways is sensory exercises, remember, 15

minutes of sensory exercise is equivalent to 1 hour of physical,

this is a great way to activate all senses and release anxious


Daily CBD to take the edge off. One of the best ways to reduce

pent up energy is a low, daily does of Heel to help mange the

natural build up of energy in these types of dogs.

If you have done all of these steps and you’re still at a loss, that’s

where I come in!

No two dogs are the same, Each dog has a unique code that is

made up of their breed and temperament, coupled with how they

are raised. They may need a personalized Daily Protocol to get them

back on track

Want to book a call with me? Email me at sarah@thesarahlea.com




Now you might be wondering,

“My dog can’t talk to me in words so how exactly am I meant to know what

they are experiencing?And how to do I fix this anxiety without going crazy and

without it taking over your entire life?

Well, this is what I do all day, every day… I help pet parents, both new and

experienced, find the source of their animals discomfort and create the Full

Spectrum Plan that targets the core and returns them AND the family, to a

more harmonious and balanced experience.


And I just so happen to have a step-by-step Method to achieve this

desired, anxiety free outcome,

And because you’ve taken the time to take this quiz and tell me a little about

you and your situation, I’d love to hook you up with a FREE access pass to

watch my training on how to have an anxiety free dog instantly without

having to spend thousands on vet bills!

In this training, I cover how to Implement a Full Spectrum plan to get to the

root of the issue and rewire it, now that you know what your pets anxiety type


I will go in depth on how to discover what the unique cause of their anxiety is, where it is coming from, why and how to target and rewire it successfully, 


And the crazy part is… I'm giving it to you, totally free

Now, the only catch is this:


This webinar will not remain free to you forever, so go ahead and claim your free access now!


Simply click the button below to claim your free access pass and get instant access to the training! 


I would like to say thank you for taking the time to prioritize your

pets mental and physical health and for recognizing the animals

ability to experience stress and anxiety.

As someone who has worked with hundreds of clients I can tell you

that there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is a perfect recipe

for success as long as you take the necessary steps to firstly

understand your pet in all of their uniqueness and target their

specific triggers accordingly.


This is why I created this webinar and granted you free access!

I created Tools to serve people like you in the most useful way

possible and if you choose to apply these tools and these tips to

your daily lives, you open yourselves up to living a much more

harmonious and stress free life!

Have questions about the webinar, My Pet anxiety Brand or My

Animal Communication sessions?

Feel free to contact me at any time

With Love

Sarah Lea